Signs of autumn on the shores of Lake Akan
ボッケとは アイヌごで「にえたつばしょ」といういみで ちしつげんしょうの「でいかざん」のことを いみします。
Bokke is an Ainu word meaning “a place to boil” and means a geological phenomenon “mud volcano”.

このちいきでは、50センチいじょうの ゆきが ふりつもりますが、ボッケふきんは ちねつがたかいため ゆきが ほとんど ともりません。
In this area, more than 50 cm of snow accumulates, but there is almost no snow in the vicinity of Bokke due to the high geothermal heat.
にっぽんでは、ススキが あきの ふうぶつしの ひとつと なっています。
In Japan, Japanese pampas grass is one of the autumn features.
きしべのみずは おんせんのように あたたかくて きもちいいのですが、みなぞこのいしは あついので きをつうけてください。
The water on the shore is warm and comfortable like a hot spring, but be careful as the stones on the bottom are hot.
Unpaved forest path
The forest paths, which have not been artificially modified as much as possible so as not to spoil the natural landscape, are full of the mysteries of nature.
おちばがつもったもりのこみちは、ふんわりとやわらかく、きびのはっぱも すこしずつ いろづきはじめています。
The forest path with fallen leaves is soft and fluffy, and the leaves of the trees are beginning to color little by little.
しかが きのかわをたべるので、きがくさり、そこからキノコがはえ、やがてきはたおれます。
As the deer eats the bark, the tree rots, mushrooms grow from it, and eventually the tree collapses.
おいしげる もりのきぎは、しぜんに まびきされ、バランスを たもっているようです。
The trees in the overgrown forest seem to be naturally thinned out and balanced.
Coexist with nature
It is said that if you meet a deer, there should be no bears around it, but when you enter the forest, carry a bear bell just in case.
Hokkaido is one of the best tourist destinations in Japan, but it is very attractive that it keeps the concept of “coexisting with nature”.
For those who like forest bathing: Obihiro Millennium Forest, Summer Landscape