There are many different kinds of handy household appliances ranging from small to big or from cheap to expensive. Undoubtedly, electric retailers are like amusement facilities where you can enjoy yourself simply by browsing.
My favorite among many electric appliances is a massage chair. It completely wraps me in from the tip of my toes to the head. It can provide gentle and comfortable massage throughout my body. Unfortunately, such products used to be rather primitive. It may also have caused pain rather than relaxation. But, AI enables the latest models to detect the user’s body shape and gives her/him the best massage appropriate to her/his stiffness and muscles.
Some spas and airports have electric massage chairs that you can try for a 10-20 minute massage for a few hundred yen. At electric retailers, however, you can have such a dreamy experience for free.
You may not be able to resistfalling asleep or keeping sitting on the massage chair if no one is around. But, please give an opportunity of an inexpressibly comfortable massage experience to others. There are definitely some people who are waiting for their turn at a distance.